CTeSP and CET Diploma Evidence

Who can apply?

The specific entrance exams are only intended for:

  • Technological Specialization diploma (CET) holders
  • Holders of a Higher Professional Technical (CTeSP) diploma not obtained at the University of Algarve
  • Holders of a CTeSP diploma obtained at UAlg without course units in the field of subjects that are part of the specific entry test, with the appropriate level for progression in the degree study cycle

What is the purpose?

To apply for the degrees of the Polytechnic subsystem of UAlg.

Calendar 2022/2023

  Single phase
Online registration for the entrance exam 18-07-2022 to 19-08-2022
Analysis and validation of the documentation delivered at registration 19-08-2022 to 24-08-2022
Proof of admission 26-08-2022
Online publication of results 29-08-2022
Complaints 29-08-2022
Online publication of the results of complaints 30-08-2022


Academic Year 2024/2025

Specific Admission Exams: Biology or Physics and Chemistry or Mathematics


Basic Education

Biology or Mathematics or Portuguese

Civil Engineering

Biology or Physics and Chemistry or Mathematics

Communication Sciences

English or Portuguese

Communication Design


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Physics and Chemistry or Mathematics

Food Engineering

Biology or Physics and Chemistry or Mathematics

Hotel Management

Economics or Geography or Mathematics


Economics or Geography or Mathematics


Economics or Mathematics or Portuguese

Mechanical Engineering

Physics and Chemistry or Mathematics

Moving Image


Social Education

Geography or Portuguese


Biology or Mathematics or Portuguese


Geography or English or Portuguese

  • The entrance / capacity assessment test is written
  • The test lasts 90 minutes, to which is added the tolerance of 30 minutes
  • The test contains instructions for completing and solving it
  • The written test includes information on the quotation of the questions
  • The final classification of the test is presented on a scale of 0 to 200 points
  • The examinee is approved if he obtains a final classification equal to or greater than 95 points

Biology Test

The test allows you to assess the skills and content associated with the references of Biology in secondary education, such as:

  • Know basic concepts and principles of Biology
  • Know your own scientific terminology in the field of Biology
  • Integrate knowledge related to biological structures and processes
  • Interpret graphs, tables and data related to the scientific and experimental method
  • Know the scientific methods necessary for data processing
  • Apply Biology knowledge to food production, processing and preservation
  • Develop an interventionist and critical attitude towards scientific and biological issues of social or economic impact
  • Analyze the industry's contribution to food production, processing and preservation
  • Assess the environmental impact of human activities, especially those related to food production
  • Diversity in the Biosphere
    The biosphere
    The cell: structural unit and basic constituents
  • Obtaining Matter
    Obtaining matter by heterotrophic beings
    Obtaining matter by autotrophic beings (photosynthesis and chemosynthesis)
  • Transformation and use of energy by living beings
    Aerobic fermentation and respiration; Gas exchange in multicellular beings
  • Regulation in living beings
    Nerve and hormonal regulation in animals
    Plant hormones
  • Cell growth and renewal
    Cell growth and renewal
    Growth and renewal of tissues x differentiation
  • reproduction
    Asexual reproduction
    Sexual reproduction
    Life cycles
  • Biological evolution
    Unicellularity and multicellularity
    Evolution mechanism
  • Systematics of living beings
    Classification systems


Biology and Geology Manuals (Biology component) for secondary education (10th and 11th years).

Drawing Test

The test allows you to assess the skills and content associated with the design references of secondary education, such as:

  • Ability to develop modes of expression and visual communication using efficiently the diverse resources of drawing
  • Ability to master structural concepts of visual communication and plastic language
  • Knowledge to explore and master the potential of drawing within the visual project
  • Structural concepts of plastic language
  • Domains of plastic language: the form; the color; space and volume; movement and time
  • Drawing as an operative and expressive element of visible and conceptual reality
  • Design and visual language: formal elements and modes of articulation
  • Formal synthesis in symbolic creation


  • MASSIRONI, Manfredo. See by drawing: technical, cognitive, communicative aspects. Lisboa: Edições 70, 1982.
  • KADINSKY, Wassily, Ponto, line, plano, Lisboa: Edições 70, 1987.
  • Wong, Wucius (1995), Fundamentos del Diseño, Barcelona, Gustavo Gili.

Economics Test

The test allows you to assess the skills and content associated with the benchmarks of secondary school economics, such as:

  • Understand the initial topics of the positioning of Economic Science in the analysis of social phenomena
  • Understand the basic economic concepts, being able to correctly use the respective terminology in the analysis of texts
  • Understand the main variables of the economic organization of companies
  • Understand the basic rules for accounting for the economic activity of companies
  • Know the most relevant aspects of the Portuguese and European Union economies
  • Analyse documents of different types (author's texts, press news and statistical data)
  • Interpret charts and graphs up to two variables
  • Develop summaries of content of the analyzed documentation
  • Structure responses with formal and content correction
  • Present and substantiate ideas
  • Economic activity and economic agents
  1. Families and Consumption
    Types of Consumption
    Determinants of Consumption
  2. Production
    Production Factors
    Combination of Factors
    Production costs
  3. Markets
    Concept of Supply and Demand;
    Market Classification;
    Behavior of Entrepreneurs
  4. Currency and Financial Institutions
    Currency, Credit and Inflation;
    Money Market;
    The Banks
  5. The State and the Rest of the World
    Concept and Functions
    The General State Budget
    The Public Debt
    International Trade
  • Notions of national accounting
    National Production;
    National Income;
    National Expenditure
  • Economic organization of society
    Economic Growth and Development
  • Portugal and economic union
    Forms of Integration; Single Market


Secondary school economics manuals (10th and 11th years).

Physics and Chemistry Test

The test allows you to assess the skills and content associated with the references of Physics and Chemistry in secondary education, such as:

  • Use the specific vocabulary of Physics and Chemistry correctly
  • Use and interpret the symbology of Physics and Chemistry
  • Analyze real-life situations (simplified), identifying the physical models that allow their interpretation and resolution
  • Recognize the diversity of existing substances (composition and chemical elements; structures and chemical bonding; families and functional groups)
  • Interpret the chemical organization of the material world (periodic table of chemical elements; atomic structure and some models)
  • Identify the nature of chemical reactions (acid-base, precipitation, oxidation-reduction reactions) and the corresponding interpretative models (chemical equilibrium)
  • Select problem solving strategies in Physics and Chemistry contexts
  • Formulate hypotheses and predict results
  • Interpret and criticize results in the context of a problem in Physics and Chemistry
  • Discover relationships between the various concepts of Physics and Chemistry
  • Energy and Conservation
  • Mechanics
  • Electricity and Electromagnetism
  • Structure of atoms and molecules
  • Intermolecular bonds and gas equations
  • Study of organic compounds
  • Extent of chemical reactions
  • Energetic aspects of chemical reactions


Secondary School Physics and Chemistry Manuals (10th and 11th years).

Geography Test

The test allows you to assess the skills and content associated with the geographic references of secondary education, such as:

  • Understand the structuring of the national territory at different scales of analysis
  • Understand the interrelationships between physical and human factors in the organization of the territory
  • Use geographic language correctly
  • Master graphic and cartographic techniques
  • The population, user of resources and organizer of spaces
  • The diversity of Portugal's natural environment
  • The spaces organized by the population
  • The population, how it moves and communicates

English Test

The test allows you to assess the skills and content associated with secondary school English references (10th and 11th years / level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages - CEFR), such as:

  • Understand texts in which a common day-to-day language predominates or related to work, school or leisure
  • Understand descriptions of events, feelings and desires, in personal letters and emails
  • Produce written texts in response to specific communication needs
  • Write a simple articulated text about current affairs or personal interest
  • Write personal letters to describe experiences, impressions, events, wishes and ambitions
  • Produce opinions about future plans and points of view
  • Know the linguistic structures necessary for the understanding and production of the types of text listed above
  • Reading and comprehension of texts
    Interpretation questions (multiple choice items) and vocabulary exercises
  • Language functioning
    Grammar exercises (multiple choice items / selection items / space filling exercises / error identification and correction)
  • Written expression of a simple text
    Exercises based on one of these elements: personal letter, simply articulated text on known subjects, with an extensive answer (120-150 words)


Secondary school English manuals (10th and 11th years).

Math Test

The test allows you to assess the skills and content associated with secondary school mathematics references, such as:

  • Analyze real-life situations (simplified), identifying mathematical models that allow their interpretation and resolution
  • Select problem solving strategies
  • Formulate hypotheses and predict results
  • Interpret and criticize results in the context of a problem
  • Solve problems in mathematical contexts
  • Discover Relationships between Mathematics Concepts
  • Use the specific vocabulary of Mathematics correctly
  • Use and interpret the symbology of mathematics
  • Algebraic IR operations
  • Statistics basics
  • Equations and systems of equations
  • Geometry in the plane and space
  • Trigonometry in the trigonometric circle
  • Functions and graphics: general
  • Polynomial functions and rational functions


Secondary school mathematics manuals (10th and 11th years).

Portuguese Test

The test allows you to assess the skills and content associated with the references of Portuguese in secondary education, such as:


  • Recognize the discursive matrix of the text
  • Explain the overall meaning of the text
  • Process the information conveyed by the text, according to a certain objective
  • Distinguish facts from feelings and opinions
  • Explain relations represented in the text (syntactic, semantic-lexical, pragmatic planes)
  • Detect thematic and meaning lines, relating the different constituent elements of the text
  • Apprehend explicit meanings
  • To infer implicit meanings from various indications
  • Determine communicative intentionality
  • Identify elements of structuring the text, at the level of genological, rhetorical and stylistic components
  • Use paratextual, contextual and intertextual information in the construction of meanings
  • Relate text elements to the production context
  • Formulate reasoned value judgments

Written Expression

  • Plan the writing activity according to the required textual typology
  • Adapt the discourse to the communicative situation
  • Mobilize relevant information, depending on the task to be performed
  • Express ideas, opinions, experiences and facts, in a pertinent, structured and grounded way
  • Structure a text, using discursive strategies appropriate to the explanation and defense of a point of view or a thesis
  • Fulfill the properties of textuality (continuity, progression, cohesion and coherence)
  • Produce a correct speech at the lexical, morphological, syntactic, semantic, pragmatic, orthographic and punctuation levels

Language Functioning

  • Master the linguistic norm of European Portuguese
  • Recognize linguistic productions deviating from the norm
  • Identify basic elements of the language in the phonic, morphological, lexical, syntactic, semantic and pragmatic planes
  • Identify, analyze and use different types of cohesive links (grammatical and lexical)
  • Identify, analyze and use different types of reference (cue, anaphor and co-reference)
  • Identify, analyze and use different types of interphase links (coordination and subordination structures)
  • Explain the semantic values of the sentence structure (nominal expressions, time, aspect and modality)
  • Explain the function of continuity and textual progression markers
  • Identify and analyze the structure and characteristics of texts of different types
  • Reading and understanding of a journalistic text
    Interpretation questions (multiple choice items) and vocabulary exercises.
  • Language functioning
    Grammar exercises (multiple choice items / selection items / space filling exercises / error identification and correction).
  • Written production of a professional text
    Written production exercise: letter and e-mails, professional documents (minutes, complaint, report) with extensive answer (150-250 words).


Secondary school Portuguese manuals (10th, 11th and 12th years).


Manual de instruções de candidatura para CTeSP e CET - passo a passo


Having passed the test, students may apply to the respective special admission contest within the deadlines established in the application calendar of the special contests of the University of Algarve.

