Silhueta de pessoa indiferenciada

Natércia Maria da Silva Conceição

Professor auxiliar
Faculdade de Medicina e Ciências Biomédicas
Centro de Ciências do Mar
Docentes Universitário
Unidade ID
Centro de Ciências do Mar
CT em Funções Públicas por tempo indeterminado


2023 - Presente. Orientação. Optimization of the technique for determination of genetic factors (Histo-Blood Group Antigens) in Mozambique and determination of their role in the distribution of Rotavirus A.Msc in Biomedical Sciences (Mestrado). Coorientador.
2020/09/01 - Presente. Orientação. Análise estatística das tendências da progressão da infeção causada por SARS-CoV-2 em pacientes diagnosticados na região do Algarve.MSc in Microbial and Molecular Biology (MMB) Master Program (Mestrado). Coorientador.
2020 - Presente. Orientação. Identification of novel CDKL5 molecular targets/pathways associated with skeletal defects present in CDKL5 associated disorders.PhD in Biomedical Sciences (Doutoramento). Coorientador.
2019 - Presente. Orientação. Epigenetic regulation of ZNF687 in bone cells.PhD in Biomedical Sciencias (Doutoramento). Coorientador.
2021/09/01 - 2023/11/09. Orientação. Genetic in Rett Syndrome.MSc in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Mestrado). Orientador.
2023/11/06. Apresentação oral de trabalho. Zebrafish as a valid model for identification of therapeutic candidates for CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder . 2023 CDKL5 Forum.
2023/11/05. Apresentação oral de trabalho. Rescuing functional defects in a zebrafish model of CDKL5 deficiency: Contribution to the identification of therapeutic targets . 2023 Grantee Pre-Meeting CDKL5 Forum.
2023/07/06. Apresentação oral de trabalho. Contribuição do Laboratório itinerante em genética molecular (Lab-it) para apoiar o ensino secundário e promover a divulgação científica nas escolas do Algarve. 9º Congresso Nacional de Práticas Pedagógicas no Ensino Superior. Universidade do Algarve (Faro, Portugal).
2017 - 2022/12/14. Orientação. Molecular basis for the epigenetic regulation of MGP in cancer. Coorientador.
2022/11/09. Apresentação oral de trabalho. Characterization of zebrafish cdkl5 mutant model for CDKL5 deficiency disorder . Interdisciplinary Approaches in Fish Skeletal Biology, 6th Conference.
2022/11/06. Apresentação oral de trabalho. Using zebrafish as a first line of screening to unveil therapeutic targets for CDKL5 syndrome. 2022 Grantee Pre-Meeting CDKL5 Forum.
2022/11/06. Apresentação oral de trabalho. Rescuing functional defects in a zebrafish model of CDKL5 deficiency: Contribution to the identification of therapeutic targets . 2022 CDKL5 Forum.
2022/10/17. Apresentação oral de trabalho. Validating zebrafish for small molecule screen to identify novel therapeutic agents for human CDKL5 deficiency disorder . Epiepinet: Round table: Advances in Rett Syndrome research in Portugal.
2017 - 2022/05/20. Orientação. Analysis of the mutations associated with Paget disease of bone in a set of patients from Alentejo.MSc in Microbial and Molecular Biology (MMB) Master Program (Mestrado) (Mestrado). Coorientador.
2020/01/23. Apresentação oral de trabalho. Three cases of Rett syndrome with heterozygous mutations in the Mecp2 gene. Similarities and differences with reports from the literature possibly related to random inactivation of the X chromosome . Congress IMPSG2020-International Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Genetics.
2021/11/26. Apresentação oral de trabalho. Study of Promoter activity in cells . Open satellite meeting of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network Biomedaqu.
2021/10/16. Apresentação oral de trabalho. Lab-it is taking molecular genetics to school. XXI SPB- National Congress of Biochemistry.
2021/07/01. Apresentação oral de trabalho. Zebrafish as a model to study the functional roles of hecw2 . Congress IMPSG2020-International Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Genetics.
2021/07/01. Apresentação oral de trabalho. Effect of promoter methylation in the transcription of ZNF687, a gene associated with Paget’s disease of bone . Congress IMPSG2020-International Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Genetics.
2021/07/01. Apresentação oral de trabalho. MGP involvement in Acomys ear regeneration. Congress IMPSG2020-International Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Genetics.
2021/07/01. Apresentação oral de trabalho. Molecular and behavior phenotype of zebrafish cdkl5 mutant . Congress IMPSG2020-International Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Genetics.
2019/11/24. Apresentação oral de trabalho. Functional analysis of two novel TBX5 mutations present in Holt-Oram syndrome patients with different clinical manifestations . Congress "SPCCTV - 4D Visions19 - Surgery Without Borders".
2018 - 2019. Orientação. Transcriptional regulation of the human genes OPTN and CCDC3. Orientador.
2016 - 2018. Orientação. Molecular and functional analysis of mutations in the transcription factor ZNF687 associated with Paget disease of bone. Coorientador.
2017/06/12. Apresentação oral de trabalho. Functional analysis of a specific TBX5 mutation associated with Holt-Oram Syndrome. 3th MEEting of MIM.
2017/06/07. Apresentação oral de trabalho. Alteração da expressão da MGP (Matrix Gla Protein) no carcinoma colorretal (CCR): Implicações como marcador de prognóstico . Semana Digestiva 2017 (SD 2017).
2017/05/12. Apresentação oral de trabalho. Initial validation of zebrafish as model for Holt-Oram syndrome. FishBone 2017 ECTS 2017 Pre-congress.
2016 - 2017. Orientação. Analysis of transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation of DUSP4, a human gene associated with colorectal cancer (CRC). Orientador.
2016 - 2017. Orientação. Genetic and functional analysis of specific TBX5 mutations associated with Holt-Oram Syndrome. Coorientador.
2016 - 2017. Orientação. Zebrafish as a model to study brain pathologies associated to Mef2C mutations and haploinsufficiency. Orientador.
2015 - 2016. Orientação. Expression of matrix gla protein (MGP) in breast cancer: a molecular and cellular approach. Orientador.
2012 - 2015. Orientação. Molecular and functional analysis of the PDB6 (10p13) locus in Paget's disease of bone. Coorientador.
2009 - 2015. Orientação. MEF2C: Expression, regulation and interaction with target genes in health and diseases. Coorientador.
2009 - 2015. Orientação. Molecular characterization of gla rich protein (grp) gene expression and function. Coorientador.
2007 - 2015. Orientação. Molecular structure and functional analysis of runx3 in zebrafish. Coorientador.
2014/11/14. Apresentação oral de trabalho. Caraterização molecular do gene MGP (Matrix Gla Protein) em doentes com cancro coloretal – dados preliminares. XXIX Reunião Anual Núcleo de Gastrenterologia dos Hospitais Distritais (NGHD).
2013 - 2014. Orientação. Functional analysis of a transcriptional variant of matrix gla protein (MGP). Orientador.
2013/04/17. Apresentação oral de trabalho. Genetic variation in PDB6 locus and Paget´s Disease of Bone . 47th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Clinical Investigation (ESCI).
2012 - 2013. Orientação. Estudo da influência de polimorfismos reguladores de expressão no desenvolvimento de cancro da mama. Coorientador.
2012/09/01. Apresentação oral de trabalho. Matrix Gla protein expression: a complex process involving the use of alternative promoters, multiple splicing events and microRNAs. FEBS International Workshop “New Developments in RNA Biology.
2012/05/28. Apresentação oral de trabalho. Zebrafish as a model to unveil and study skeletal phenotypes related to human MEF2C mutations . XXXVII JPG Congress.
2011 - 2012. Orientação. Developmental expression of xpd mutants in zebrafish. Coorientador.
2011/05/25. Apresentação oral de trabalho. Fish as model organism to unveil the structure, evolution and function of skeletal Gla. . JFBTM13. Société Française de Biologie des tissus Minéralisés (SFBTM) (Paris, França).
2011/02/18. Apresentação oral de trabalho. Expression of XPD, a member of the TFIIH complex, in zebrafish. . Institut de Génétique et de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire (IGBMC) (Strasbourg, França).
2010 - 2011. Orientação. Role of the transcription/DNA repair factor TFIIH in the regulation of gene expression in zebrafish. Coorientador.
2008/04/23. Apresentação oral de trabalho. Retinoic acid as an inhibitor of mineralization in a Xenopus laevis bone derived cell line . 3rd International Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Stem Cells and Cellular Therapy (SPCE-TC).
2007/12/02. Apresentação oral de trabalho. Characterization of a Xenopus laevis bone derived cell line, X1, capable of mineralizing in vitro. MICRO’07 BIOTEC’07-XXXIII JPG Congress.
2007/11/08. Apresentação oral de trabalho. Identification of new Runx2 isoforms from Xenopus laevis capable of inducing MGP gene expression in vitro. IVth National RNA Meeting.
2007/11/02. Apresentação oral de trabalho. Alternate promoters and developmental modulation of expression of the Xenopus laevis MGP gene. . VIII International Symposium on Experimental Techniques.
2006/12/08. Apresentação oral de trabalho. Runx2 regulates transcription of Xenopus laevis Matrix Gla Protein (XlMGP) gene in the A6 cell line. XV National Congress of Biochemistry.
2006/11/27. Apresentação oral de trabalho. The importance of fish stem cells to study the regulation of Gla proteins during early development. . MGE Exploratory Workshop in “Stem Cells in Marine Organisms”.
2005/04/21. Apresentação oral de trabalho. gla proteins in bone and cartilage: the importance of fish and amphibian models to understand their function and evolution. . 1st Meeting of the CIMAR “The Sea and the Health Sciences”.
2004/12/02. Apresentação oral de trabalho. Identification of two distinct promoter regions in fish MGP genes. Implications for regulation of MGP gene expression. . XIV National Congress of Biochemistry. Portuguese Society of Biochemistry (Vilamoura, Portugal).
2004/02/05. Apresentação oral de trabalho. Regulation of matrix gla protein gene expression: identification of alternative promoter usage during early development . XXXI JPG Congress.
2003/11/07. Apresentação oral de trabalho. Two functional promoters for Matrix Gla protein gene in fish and amphibian: implications for function? . 2nd Meeting of the CIMAR.
2002/12/05. Apresentação oral de trabalho. Identification of an alternative promoter for Xenopus laevis Matrix Gla protein (xMGP) gene and implications for its tissue-specific regulation . XIII National Congress of Biochemistry. Portuguese Society of Biochemistry (Lisbon, Portugal).
2002/05/23. Apresentação oral de trabalho. Caractérisation d´une lignée cellulaire dérivée d´os de daurade (Sparus aurata) capable de minéraliser la matrice extracellulaire. Etude de l´expression génique de l´ostéocalcine et de la MGP (Matrix Gla Protein). 5éme Journées Françaises de Biologie des Tissus Minéralisés.


2023/03/01 - 2024/10/31. Screening for molecules capable of rescuing CDKL5 deficiency phenotypes using Zebrafish models.. Co-Investigador Responsável (Co-IR).
2020/04/01 - 2024/03/30. Understanding the pathophysiology of Keutel Syndrome: A path towards cure. Investigador. Centro de Ciências do Mar.
2022/05/01 - 2024/02/29. Rescuing functional defects in a zebrafish model of CDKL5 deficiency: Contribution to the identification of therapeutic targets. Co-Investigador Responsável (Co-IR).
2021/01/01 - 2023/06/30. A água de salmoura como fonte sustentável de compostos para o desenvolvimento de produtos comerciais para aquacultura. Investigador.
2018/11/01 - 2021/10/31. KCITAR ALGARVE, Programa Operacional Regional do Algarve através do Fundo Social Europeu, (Faro, Algarve, PT).
2019/02 - 2020/12. Zebrafish as model to analyze CDKL5 function. Investigador.
2018/01 - 2020/12. BLUE (marine) biotechnology as a platform for innovation in Atlantic Area towards the smart and sustainable growth of Europe on HUMAN’s health and well-being. Investigador.
2020/05/01 - 2020/07/30. Development of a new assay do detect SARS-CoV-2 directly from clinical sample. Investigador. Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambelas.
2017/06 - 2020/05. Development and implementation of diets supplemented in seaweeds rich in vitamin K in the cultivation of sole (Solea senegalensis) . Investigador.
2017/06 - 2020/05. New marine compounds as nutritional source for improved quality and fish welfare in aquaculture. Investigador. Centro de Ciências do Mar.
2017 - 2020/03. Bases for the implementation of a new species in aquaculture in Portugal. Investigador.
2016/04 - 2019/03. Development of a micronutrient premixes to optimize diets for marine fish larvae. . Investigador. Centro de Ciências do Mar.
2015 - 2016. Insights into Matrix Gla protein (MGP) regulation in colorectal cancer. Investigador.
2013 - 2015. Translational bigenomics investigation in Leber´s hereditary optic neuropathy: genotype-phenotype correlation. Investigador.
2009/03 - 2013/02. ASSEMBLE: Association of European Marine Biological Laboratories. Investigador.
2005/03 - 2008/08. MGE: Marine Genomics Europe Network of Excellence. Investigador.
2006 - 2008. Investigation of runx3 structure and function in zebrafish neural crest. Investigador.
2005 - 2008. Spatial-temporal pattern of expression and regulation of Matrix Gla Protein (MGP) during early development in X. laevis. . Investigador responsável.
2003 - 2006. Effect of extracellular calcium on MGP gene expression. Investigador.
2004 - 2005. The Runx2/Cbfa1 transcription factor: functional analysis using a novel approach in the zebrafish. Investigador.
1998 - 2001. Molecular Cloning, Tissue distribution and developmental appearance of Matrix Gla protein in the African frog Xenopus laevis. Investigador.
1998 - 2000. Characterization of Matrix Gla and Bone Gla proteins gene expression in different developmental stages of the seabream Sparus aurata. Investigador.
1995 - 1998. Development of mussel-specific expression vectors suitable for transgenic organisms: implications on the establishment of mollusc continuous cell lines. . Investigador.
1997/04 - 1997/10. PTHrP in sea bream development and physiology. Bolseiro de Investigação.


Silva IAL; Conceição N; Gagnon É; Brown JP; Cancela ML; Michou L. 2018. "Molecular effect of an OPTN common variant associated to Paget's disease of bone.". PloS one.
Vitorino M; Cunha N; Conceição N; Cancela ML. 2018. "Expression pattern of cdkl5 during zebrafish early development: implications for use as model for atypical Rett syndrome.". Molecular biology reports.
Silva, I.A.L.; Conceição, N.; Gagnon, É.; Caiado, H.; Brown, J.P.; Gianfrancesco, F.; Michou, L.; Cancela, M.L.. 2018. "Effect of genetic variants of OPTN in the pathophysiology of Paget's disease of bone". Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Basis of Disease, 1864 (1): 143-151.
Tiago, D.M.; Conceição, N.; Caiado, H.; Laizé, V.; Cancela, M.L.. 2016. "Matrix Gla protein repression by MIR-155 promotes oncogenic signals in breast cancer MCF-7 cells". FEBS Letters, 590 (8): 1234-1241.
Adrião, A.; Conceição, N.; Cancela, M.L.. 2016. "MEF2C orthologues from zebrafish: Evolution, expression and promoter regulation". Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 591: 43-56.
Correia, E.; Conceição, N.; Cancela, M.L.; Belo, J.A.. 2016. "Matrix Gla protein expression pattern in the early avian embryo". International Journal of Developmental Biology, 60 (1-3): 71-76.
Silva, I.A.L.; Conceição, N.. 2015. "Cloning, characterization and analysis of the 5' regulatory region of zebrafish xpd gene". Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part - B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 185: 47-53.
Simões, B.; Conceição, N.; Matias, A.C.; Bragança, J.; Kelsh, R.N.; Cancela, M.L.. 2015. "Molecular characterization of cbfß gene and identification of new transcription variants: Implications for function". Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 567: 1-12.
Silva, I.A.L.; Conceição, N.; Michou, L.; Cancela, M.L.. 2014. "Can zebrafish be a valid model to study Paget's disease of bone?". Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 30 (4): 678-688.
Simões, B.; Conceição, N.; Kelsh, R.N.; Cancela, M.L.. 2014. "Identification of cis-regulatory elements in the upstream regions of zebrafish runx3 through in silico analysis: Implications for function". Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 30 (4): 661-670.
Cancela, M.L.; Laizé, V.; Conceição, N.. 2014. "Matrix Gla protein and osteocalcin: From gene duplication to neofunctionalization". Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 561: 56-63.
Silva, I.A.L.; Cox, C.J.; Leite, R.B.; Cancela, M.L.; Conceição, N.. 2014. "Evolutionary conservation of TFIIH subunits: Implications for the use of zebrafish as a model to study TFIIH function and regulation". Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part - B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 172-173 (1): 9-20.
Fazenda, C.; Conceição, N.; Cancela, M.L.. 2014. "Transcription factors from Sox family regulate expression of zebrafish Gla-rich protein 2 gene". Gene.
Conceição, N.; Viegas, M.; Fidalgo, J.; Cancela, M.L.. 2013. "Development and characterization of Xl1, a Xenopus laevis chondrocyte-like cell culture". Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 373 (1-2): 41-51.
Michou, L.; Conceição, N.; Morissette, J.; Gagnon, E.; Miltenberger-Miltenyi, G.; Siris, E.S.; Brown, J.P.; Cancela, M.L.. 2012. "Genetic association study of UCMA/GRP and OPTN genes (PDB6 locus) with Paget's disease of bone". Bone, 51 (4): 720-728.
Leonor Cancela, M.; Conceição, N.; Laizé, V.. 2012. "Gla-rich protein, a new player in tissue calcification?". Advances in Nutrition, 3 (2): 174-181.
Conceição, N.; Fazenda, C.; Cancela, M.L.. 2012. "Comparative gene promoter analysis: An in silico strategy to identify candidate regulatory factors for Gla Rich Protein". Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 28 (3): 372-376.
Fazenda, C.; Silva, I.A.L.; Cancela, M.L.; Conceição, N.. 2012. "Molecular characterization of two paralog genes encoding Gla-rich protein (Grp) in zebrafish". Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 28 (3): 377-381.
Silva, I.A.L.; Cancela, M.L.; Conceição, N.. 2012. "Molecular cloning and expression analysis of XPD from zebrafish (Danio rerio)". Molecular Biology Reports, 39 (5): 5339-5348.
Viegas, C.S.B.; Conceiçao, N.; Fazenda, C.; Simes, D.C.; Cancela, M.L.. 2010. "Expression of Gla-rich protein (GRP) in newly developed cartilage-derived cell cultures from sturgeon (Acipenser naccarii)". Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 26 (2): 214-218.
Conceição, N.; Cox, C.J.; Simões, B.; Viegas, M.; Cancela, M.L.. 2010. "Comparative promoter analysis and its application to the identification of candidate regulatory factors of cartilage-expressed genes". Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 26 (2): 245-250.
Fazenda, C.; Simões, B.; Kelsh, R.N.; Cancela, M.L.; Conceição, N.. 2010. "Dual transcriptional regulation by runx2 of matrix Gla protein in Xenopus laevis". Gene, 450 (1-2): 94-102.
Conceição, N.; Laizé, V.; Simões, B.; Pombinho, A.R.; Cancela, M.L.. 2008. "Retinoic acid is a negative regulator of matrix Gla protein gene expression in teleost fish Sparus aurata". Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Gene Regulatory Mechanisms, 1779 (1): 28-39.
Simões, B.; Conceição, N.; Viegas, C.S.B.; Pinto, J.P.; Gavaia, P.J.; Hurst, L.D.; Kelsh, R.N.; Cancela, M.L.. 2006. "Identification of a promoter element within the Zebrafish colXa1 gene responsive to Runx2 isoforms Osf2/Cbfa1 and til-1 but not to pebp2aA2". Calcified Tissue International, 79 (4): 230-244.
Pinto, J.P.; Conceição, N.M.; Viegas, C.S.B.; Leite, R.B.; Hurst, L.D.; Kelsh, R.N.; Cancela, M.L.. 2005. "Identification of a new pebp2aA2 isoform from Zebrafish runx2 capable of inducing osteocalcin gene expression in vitro". Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 20 (8): 1440-1453.
Conceição, N.; Silva, A.C.; Fidalgo, J.; Belo, J.A.; Cancela, M.L.. 2005. "Identification of alternative promoter usage for the matrix Gla protein gene: Evidence for differential expression during early development in Xenopus laevis". FEBS Journal, 272 (6): 1501-1510.
Pinto, J.P.; Conceição, N.; Gavaia, P.J.; Cancela, M.L.. 2003. "Matrix Gla protein gene expression and protein accumulation colocalize with cartilage distribution during development of the teleost fish Sparus aurata". Bone, 32 (3): 201-210.
Conceição, N.; Henriques, N.M.; Ohresser, M.C.P.; Hublitz, P.; Schüle, R.; Cancela, M.L.. 2002. "Molecular cloning of the Matrix Gla Protein gene from Xenopus laevis: Functional analysis of the promoter identifies a calcium sensitive region required for basal activity". European Journal of Biochemistry, 269 (7): 1947-1956.
Viegas, C.S.B.; Pinto, J.P.; Conceição, N.; Simes, D.C.; Cancela, M.L.. 2002. "Cloning and characterization of the cDNA and gene encoding Xenopus laevis osteocalcin". Gene, 289 (1-2): 97-107.
Bäck, Magnus; Aranyi, Tamas; Cancela, M. Leonor; Carracedo, Miguel; Conceição, Natércia; Leftheriotis, Georges; Macrae, Vicky; et al. 2019. "Endogenous Calcification Inhibitors in the Prevention of Vascular Calcification: A Consensus Statement From the COST Action EuroSoftCalcNet". Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, 5.
Caiado, Helena; Conceição, Natércia; Tiago, Daniel; Marreiros, Ana; Vicente, Susana; Enriquez, Jose Luis; Vaz, Ana Margarida; et al. 2020. "Evaluation of MGP gene expression in colorectal cancer". Gene, 723.
AS Alfaia; Conceição, Natércia; G Sequeira; P Carvalho; V Teixeira; C Ribeiro; ML Cancela. 2020. Genetic analysis of Optineurin and APEX variants in two families from south-center of Portugal with Paget Disease of Bone history. Em International Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Genetics.
H Caiado; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela. 2020. Regulation of Matrix Gla Protein gene through epigenetic mechanisms in Bladder Cancer. Em International Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Genetics.
H Caiado; Conceição, Natércia; D Tiago; A Marreiros; AM Vaz; A Antunes; H Guerreiro; P Caldeira; ML Cancela. 2020. MGP, FGF2 and RUNX2 as important predictor factors to differentiate colorectal adenocarcinoma prognosis amongst patients. Em International Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Genetics.
Conceição, Natércia; M Loiodice. 2020. Overlapping genes, alternative promoters and transcriptional regulation: the case of OPTN and CCDC3. Em International Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Genetics.
AIM Marques; I Meirinho; J Mustacová; AI Favinha; EG Dimou; ALC Figueiredo; D Shkabura; et al. 2020. Danio rerio as a model to study ERCC1 function in bone formation. Em International Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Genetics.
Débora Varela; Tatiana Varela; P Azevedo; A Ferreira; A.Silva; Nuno Marques; A Camacho; et al. 2020. Two novel TBX5 mutations in Holt-Oram syndrome patients with different clinical manifestations. Em International Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Genetics.
Débora Varela; Tatiana Varela; J Rosa; A Nunes; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela. 2020. The effect of thalidomide on phenotype and gene expression in zebrafish. Em International Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Genetics.
Débora Varela; J Zortéa; J Rosa; A Nunes; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela. 2020. Functionality of binding sites for bone-related transcription factors overlapping CpG sites on ZNF687, a gene associated with Paget’s disease of bone. Em International Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Genetics.
Tatiana Varela; G Martins; Débora Varela; M Vitorino; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela. 2020. Contribution to validate zebrafish as model for CDKL5 deficiency disorder using a morpholino-mediated approach. Em International Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Genetics.
Tatiana Varela; IS Morais; A Nechaeva; ML Cancela; L Faísca; A Reis; Conceição, Natércia. 2020. Study of the candidate gene KIAA0319 for dyslexia in the Portuguese population. Em International Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Genetics.
T Gago; H Caiado; Conceição, Natércia; D Tiago; AM Vaz; S Vicente; JL Enriquez; et al. 2019. Expressão do gene MGP no Carcinoma Colorretal: Haverá relação com o CA 19.9?. Em XXXIV Reunião Anual NGHD Núcleo de Gastroenterologia dos Hospitais Distritais.
Conceição, Natércia; Tatiana Varela; G Martins; Débora Varela; M Vitorino; ML Cancela. 2019. Zebrafish: an interesting model to study CDKL5 deficiency disorder. Em 23nd Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Human Genetics.
H Caiado; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela. 2019. Epigenetic regulation of Matrix Gla Protein gene through miR-155 in Breast Cancer. Em 3rd jornadas do Algarve Biomedical Center.
Tatiana Varela; M Vitorino; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela. 2019. Zebrafish as a model to study CDKL5 deficiency disorder. Em 3rd jornadas do Algarve Biomedical Center.
Conceição, Natércia; Débora Varela; Tatiana Varela; P Azevedo; S. Pereira; A Camacho; I Jesus; ML Cancela. 2019. Functional analysis of a novel TBX5 c.905delA mutation present in a Holt-Oram syndrome patient. Em 3rd Jornadas do Algarve Biomedical Center.
M Loiodice; Conceição, Natércia. 2019. Analysis of transcription co-regulation of two overlapping human genes, CCDC3 and OPTN. Em 3rd Jornadas do Algarve Biomedical Center.
AS Alfaia; Conceição, Natércia; G Sequeira; P Carvalho; C Ribeiro. 2019. Genetic analysis of Optineurin variants in Paget’s patients from South of Portugal. Em 3rd Jornadas do Algarve Biomedical Center.
Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela; Débora Varela; Varela, Débora; Conceição, Natércia; Cancela, M. Leonor. 2019. Transcriptional regulation of human T-box 5 gene (TBX5) by bone- and cardiac-related transcription factors. Em VIII National RNA Meeting ptRNA2019.
Conceição, Natércia; Tatiana Varela; V Laizé; ML Cancela. 2019. DUSP4 expression in colorectal cancer and insight into its transcriptional regulation. Em VIII National RNA Meeting ptRNA2019.
B Komazec; R Cerqueira; S Horta; SD Major; V Rossetto; A Nunes; Tatiana Varela; Cancela ML; Conceição, Natércia. 2019. Histone H3F3A is encoded by different transcripts with distinct 5´-UTRs in both human and zebrafish. Em VIII National RNA Meeting ptRNA2019.
H Caiado; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela. 2019. Correlation between Matrix Gla Protein gene and microRNA 155 expression in cancer. Em VIII National RNA Meeting ptRNA2019.
C Fazenda; M Vitorino; Conceição, Natércia. 2019. Investigation of Gla Rich Protein role using a knockout mice. Em 5th MEEting of MIM.
G Sequeira; P Carvalho; C Ribeiro; AS Alfaia; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela. 2018. Characterization of Paget´s Disease of Bone Patients from the South of Portugal (Algarve and Alentejo) – Clinical and Genetic Aspects . Em ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting.
H Caiado; R Reis; T Authier; ML Cancela; Conceição, Natércia. 2018. Analysis of ZNF687 gene expression in different tumors using the cancer genome atlas database. Em Annual Meeting 2018 Portuguese Society of Genetics.
Conceição, Natércia; H Caiado; A Marreiros; ML Cancela. 2018. Regulation of the Matrix Gla Protein through epigenetic mechanisms. Em Annual Meeting 2018 Portuguese Society of Genetics.
S Serrano; T Authier; ML Cancela; Conceição, Natércia. 2018. Análise das regiões promotoras dos genes znf687a e znf687b do peixe-zebra (Danio rerio). Em Aniversário do curso de bioquímica.
R arroja; T Authier; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela. 2018. Estudo da análise do promotor do gene ZNF687 humano e identificação de fatores de transcrição. Em Aniversário do curso de bioquímica.
T Authier; S Serrano; AR Pinho; ML Cancela; Conceição, Natércia. 2018. Study of transcriptional regulation of zebrafish orthologues of human ZNF687 gene. Em Interdisciplinary Approaches in Fish Skeletal Biology, 5th Conference.
W Zhang; HG Silva; C Viana; PJS Duarte; E Veiga; B Bica; I de Matos; et al. 2018. Zebrafish as a model to study PHYH related pathologies. Em Interdisciplinary Approaches in Fish Skeletal Biology, 5th Conference.
Tatiana Varela; Conceição, Natércia; V Laizé; P Caldeira; A Marreiros; H Guerreiro; ML Cancela. 2018. DUSP4 transcripts expression as a potential biomarker for colorectal cancer. Em 2nd jornadas do Algarve Biomedical Center.
Conceição, Natércia; Débora Varela; A Ferreira; N. Marques; AP Silva; ML Cancela. 2018. Functional analysis of a novel TBX5 c.246_249delGATG mutation present in a Holt-Oram syndrome patient. Em , 2nd jornadas do Algarve Biomedical Center.
Conceição, Natércia; H Caiado; D Tiago; A Marreiros; AM Vaz; S Vicente; H Guerreiro; P Caldeira; ML Cancela. 2018. MGP overexpression is associated with a worse prognosis and survival outcome in colorectal adenocarcinomas. Em 2nd jornadas do Algarve Biomedical Center.
S Norali; A Reis; Conceição, Natércia. 2018. The genetics of reading abilities in adults. Em 4th MEEting of MIM.
I Bodião; ML Cancela; Conceição, Natércia. 2018. On using Feature Descriptors asScreening for detection of SNPs within the PDB6 locus associated with Paget disease of bone. Em 4th MEEting of MIM.
T Authier; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela. 2017. Comparative analysis of the zinc finger protein ZNF687 throughout evolution. Em X Encontro Nacional de Biologia Evolutiva.
Conceição, Natércia; N Carrasco; Pedro Castelo-Branco; ML Cancela. 2017. Molecular basis for the epigenetic regulation of MGP in cancer. Em 3th MEEting of MIM.
T Franco; VL Henriques; DFC Duarte; LA Viagem; I Maia; S Mariano; IM Araujo; Conceição, Natércia. 2017. Bioinformatic analysis of Foxp2 gene in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Em XLI Jornadas Portuguesas de Genética.
ML Cancela; Débora Varela; Conceição, Natércia. 2017. Initial validation of zebrafish as model for Holt-Oram syndrome. Em FishBone 2017 ECTS 2017 Pre-congress.
H Caiado; Conceição, Natércia; D Tiago; S Vicente; JL Enriquez; AM Vaz; A Antunes; et al. 2016. Evaluation of MGP gene expression in colon cancer. Em XIX National Congress of Biochemistry.
S. Teixeira; Conceição, Natércia. 2016. Regulatory sites of the OPTN and CCDC3 genes in connection with Paget’s disease of bone. Em 2nd MEEting of MIM.
AS Sofia; S Mariano; Tatiana Varela; JJ Matos; D Varela; T Authier; ML Cancela; Conceição, Natércia. 2016. Bioinformatic Analysis of CCDC3 gene: A Potential Contributor for Paget Disease of Bone?. Em XL Jornadas Portuguesas de Genética.
IAL Silva; L Michou; ML Cancela; Conceição, Natércia. 2016. Functional study of OPTN promoter: new OPTN regulators and effect of genetic variants. Em XL Jornadas Portuguesas de Genética.
M Vitorino; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela. 2016. Zebrafish as model for bone diseases associated with Rett syndrome. Em XL Jornadas Portuguesas de Genética.
C Fazenda; M Vitorino; A Cachucho; L Shu-Wha; PJ Gavaia; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela. 2016. Gla-rich protein deficient mice born from homozygous mutant progenitors show cartilage and bone defects. Em XL Jornadas Portuguesas de Genética.
VP Roberto; Conceição, Natércia; MJ Nunes; E. Rodrigues; ML Cancela; DM Tiago. 2016. miR-214: A Novel Regulator of Chondrogenesis?. Em ECST2016.
IAL Silva; Conceição, Natércia; L Michou; ML Cancela. 2016. Comparative analysis of human and zebrafish OPTN: molecular and evolutionary perspectives. Em ECST2016.
IAL Silva; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela. 2016. OPTN and CCDC3 share a bidirectional promoter region that is regulated by NF-kB. Em ECSC2016.
Conceição, Natércia; C Fazenda; G Martins; PJ Gavaia; ML Cancela. 2015. Study of transcriptional regulation and function of gla rich protein gene in zebrafish. Em 9th European Zebrafish Meeting.
JC Nogueira; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela. 2015. MRD20 or Mental Retardation Autosomal Dominant: contribution to the study of a recently identified human mutation. Em 1st MEEting of MIM.
D Marques; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela. 2015. Paget’s disease of bone: contribution to the study of human locus PDB6. Em 1st MEEting of MIM.
IAL Silva; Conceição, Natércia; L Michou; ML Cancela. 2015. Zebrafish as an animal model to study OPTN role in Paget´s disease of bone. Em Interdisciplinary Approaches in Fish Skeletal Biology, 4th Conference.
Conceição, Natércia; A Adrião; M Grazina; ML Cancela. 2015. Towards validation of zebrafish as a model to study MEF2C related pathologies. Em Interdisciplinary Approaches in Fish Skeletal Biology, 4th Conference.
C Fazenda; G Martins; PJ Gavaia; ML Cancela; Conceição, Natércia. 2015. Establishment of transgenic zebrafish lines capable of conditionally inducing expression of Gla-rich protein. Em Interdisciplinary Approaches in Fish Skeletal Biology, 4th Conference.
M Vitorino; Conceição, Natércia; A Adrião; ML Cancela. 2015. Zebrafish as a model to study bone diseases associated with Rett syndrome. Em Interdisciplinary Approaches in Fish Skeletal Biology, 4th Conference.
IAL Silva; Conceição, Natércia; L Michou; ML Cancela. 2014. Functional study of Optineurin (OPTN) variants associated with Paget’s disease of bone. Em ASBMR.
C Fazenda; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela. 2014. Transcription factors from Sox family regulate zebrafish Gla-rich protein 2 gene. Em YSF FEBS2014.
IAL Silva; Conceição, Natércia; L Michou; ML Cancela. 2014. Functional analysis of a promoter polymorphism of Optineurin, a gene to associated to Paget’s Disease of Bone. Em ECTS2014.
Conceição, Natércia; A Adrião; ML Cancela. 2013. Identification of two functional promoters for zebrafish mef2cb gene. Em 8th European Zebrafish Meeting.
IAL Silva; Conceição, Natércia; L Michou; ML Cancela. 2013. Single nucleotide polymorphisms identification and functional analysis in PDB6 locus – A target locus for Paget’s Disease of Bone. Em ECTS2013.
Conceição, Natércia; B Simões; ML Cancela. 2013. Functional analysis of the two Runx3 promoters in osseous and non-osseous cells: implications for tissue/differentiation specific transcription of distinct isoforms. Em ECST2013.
C Fazenda; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela. 2013. Transcriptional regulation of the zebrafish Gla-rich protein 2 (grp2) gene. Em Workshop - Interdisciplinary Approaches in Fish Skeletal Biology.
B Simões; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela. 2013. Molecular characterization of CBFß Gene and identification of new transcription variants: Implications for function. Em Workshop - Interdisciplinary Approaches in Fish Skeletal Biology.
A Adrião; PJ Gavaia; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela. 2013. Use of reporter lines to visualize bone and cartilage phenotypes in the zebrafish mef2cab1086 mutant line. Em Workshop - Interdisciplinary Approaches in Fish Skeletal Biology.
IAL Silva; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela. 2013. Can zebrafish be a valid model to study Paget's Disease of Bone? . Em Workshop - Interdisciplinary Approaches in Fish Skeletal Biology.
A Adrião; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela. 2013. Zebrafish as a model to study craniofacial phenotypes related to human MEF2C mutations. Em 47th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Clinical Investigation (ESCI).
D Tiago; Conceição, Natércia; V Laizé; ML Cancela. 2012. Evidences for post-transcriptional regulation of MGP: can microRNAs regulate tissue calcification?. Em FEBS International Workshop “New Developments in RNA Biology".
B Simões; Conceição, Natércia; RN Kelsh; ML Cancela. 2012. Identification and in vitro/in vivo functional characterization of zebrafish runx3 alternative promoters. Em FEBS International Workshop “New Developments in RNA Biology".
AP Gandolfo; IAL Silva; ML Cancela; Conceição, Natércia. 2012. Zebrafish: a good model to study XPG pathologies?. Em XXXVII JPG Congress.
IAL Silva; R Leite; ML Cancela; Conceição, Natércia. 2012. TFIIH is remarkably conserved between zebrafish and human. Em 5Th Clinical Biochemistry Workshop.
A Adrião; Conceição, Natércia; IAL Silva; M Grazina; ML Cancela. 2012. Validation of zebrafish as a model to study mef2c pathologies. Em 5Th Clinical Biochemistry Workshop.
A Adrião; Conceição, Natércia; M Grazina; ML Cancela. 2011. Expression, regulation and interaction with target genes in health and disease. Em DCBM Ph.D. student seminars.
C Fazenda; ML Cancela; Conceição, Natércia. 2011. Molecular characterization and expression of a novel Gla-containing protein, Gla-rich protein (Grp), in zebrafish. Em Workshop - Interdisciplinary Approaches in Fish Skeletal Biology.
IAL Silva; ML Cancela; Conceição, Natércia. 2011. xpd mutations in zebrafish: is there a bone phenotype?. Em Workshop - Interdisciplinary Approaches in Fish Skeletal Biology.
C Fazenda; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela. 2010. Identification of two isoforms of Gla Rich Protein (GRP) in zebrafish and its molecular characterization. Em XVII National Congress of Biochemistry.
B Simões; Conceição, Natércia; R Kelsh; ML Cancela. 2010. runx3 promoter analysis and expression patterns in tissues and during development of zebrafish. Em XVII National Congress of Biochemistry.
IAL Silva; C Fazenda; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela. 2010. Study of the Xeroderma pigmentosum D (XPD) expression in zebrafish. Em XVII National Congress of Biochemistry.
C Fazenda; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela. 2010. Molecular characterization of gla rich protein (GRP) gene expression and function using zebrafish as model system. Em Biomedical Sciences Ph.D. students seminars.
M Sousa; C Fazenda; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela. 2010. Matrix Gla Protein is a target gene for transcription factor MEF2C. Em Science Meeting 2010.
Conceição, Natércia; A Lelo; JP Pinto; ML Cancela. 2010. Regulation of hepcidin expression: in silico promoter analysis. Em SINAL 2010.
Conceição, Natércia; C Fazenda; C Viegas; R Leite; ML Cancela. 2010. Promoter analysis of cartilage-expressed genes. Em 4Th Clinical Biochemistry Workshop.
B Simões; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela; RN Kelsh. 2009. Investigation of runx3 expression pattern and function in zebrafish peripheral nervous system development. Em 6th European Zebrafish Genetics and Development Meeting.
C Fazenda; CSB Viegas; Conceição, Natércia; DC Simes; ML Cancela. 2009. Development of molecular and cellular tools to study the function of skeletal Gla-containing proteins in sturgeon. Em Workshop - Interdisciplinary Approaches in Fish Skeletal Biology.
Conceição, Natércia; C Cox; B Simões; M Viegas; ML Cancela. 2009. Comparative promoter analysis and its application in analysis of cartilage-expressed genes regulation. Em Workshop - Interdisciplinary Approaches in Fish Skeletal Biology.
B Simões; D Rodrigues; Conceição, Natércia; RN Kelsh; ML Cancela. 2008. Spatial-temporal expression of Runx3 during early zebrafish development and in silico and in vitro analysis of its promoter regions. Em XVIth National Congress of Biochemistry.
Conceição, Natércia; C Cox; B Simões; M Viegas; ML Cancela. 2008. Computational identification of regulatory motifs in cartilage-expressed genes using zebrafish as an in vivo model. Em XVIth National Congress of Biochemistry.
C Fazenda; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela. 2008. Possible regulation of the matrix gla protein gene by the transcription factor mef2c. Em XVIth National Congress of Biochemistry.
Conceição, Natércia; C Fazenda; B Simões; ML Cancela. 2008. Transcriptional regulation of the Xenopus laevis Matrix Gla Protein gene expression. Em 35th European Symposium on Calcified Tissues.
Conceição, Natércia; V Laizé; ML Cancela. 2008. Regulation of Matrix Gla Protein gene expression in teleost fish sparus aurata. Em MGE - Marine Genomics Europe Final Assembly.
Conceição, Natércia; B Simões; ML Cancela; RN Kelsh. 2008. runx3 structure and function in zebrafish neural crest: expression pattern and morpholino knockdown. Em Seminários de Mar e Ambiente 2008.
Conceição, Natércia; C Fazenda; B Simões; ML Cancela. 2007. Identification of a new Runx2 isoform in Xenopus laevis: molecular organization, tissue distribution and effect on MGP gene transcription. Em MICRO’07 BIOTEC’07-XXXIII JPG Congress.
M Viegas; Conceição, Natércia; J Fidalgo; ML Cancela. 2007. Characterization of a Xenopus laevis bone derived cell line, X1, capable of mineralizing in vitro. Em MICRO’07 BIOTEC’07-XXXIII JPG Congress.
Conceição, Natércia; C Fazenda; B Simões; ML Cancela. 2007. Identification of new Runx2 isoforms from Xenopus laevis capable of inducing MGP gene expression in vitro. Em IVth National RNA Meeting.
B Simões; Conceição, Natércia; J Belo; ML Cancela. 2007. Analysis of Xenopus laevis MGP knockdown phenotype: expression pattern of developmental marker genes. Em IVth National RNA Meeting.
B Simões; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela; RN Kelsh. 2007. Effects of Runx3 isoforms on distribution and migration of zebrafish neural crest cells. Em Workshop “Mechanisms of early development: cell fate determination, morphogenesis and patterning.
B Simões; A.Silva; M Vitorino; Conceição, Natércia; J Belo; ML Cancela. 2007. Spatio-temporal pattern of expression and regulation of matrix Gla protein (MGP) during early development in Xenopus laevis. Em 32rd FEBS Congress.
Conceição, Natércia; B Simões; C Fazenda; ML Cancela. 2007. Runx2-mediated regulation of the Matrix Gla Protein gene. Em 32rd FEBS Congress.
B Simões; A.Silva; Conceição, Natércia; M Vitorino; J. Belo; ML Cancela. 2006. Spatial-temporal pattern of expression and regulation of matrix Gla protein (MGP) during early development in Xenopus laevis. Em XV National Congress of Biochemistry.
Conceição, Natércia; J Fidalgo; B Simões; ML Cancela. 2006. Regulation of the Xenopus laevis MGP promoters by transcription factors: NF-AT and Runx2. Em Workshop Mineralised tissue formation, regeneration, and repair.
Conceição, Natércia; A.Silva; B Simões; J. Belo; ML Cancela. 2006. , Mapping of the cis-regulatory elements in the XlMGP promoters by cell culture experiments and microinjection of Xenopus laevis embryos using deletion mutant constructs. Em 4th Meeting of the Centre of Marine and Environmental Investigation.
AR Pombinho; V Laizé; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela. 2006. Regulators of MGP gene expression in Sparus aurata VSa13 bone-derived cell line. Em Seminários “Mar e Ambiente”.
B Simões; Conceição, Natércia; CSB Viegas; JP Pinto; P Gavaia; RN Kelsh; ML Cancela. 2005. Gene structure, Runx2-dependent regulation and spatial-temporal expression of collagen X¿1 during early zebrafish development. Em Microscopy in Motion - XLth Meeting of the SPME-BC.
JP Pinto; Conceição, Natércia; CSB Viegas; RB Leite; RN Kelsh; ML Cancela. 2004. Identification of a new pebp2¿A2 isoform from zebrafish runx2 capable of inducing osteocalcin gene expression in vitro. Em XIV National Congress of Biochemistry.
J Fidalgo; Conceição, Natércia; J Pinto; ML Cancela. 2004. Hormonal regulation of Matrix Gla Protein expression in a Xenopus laevis bone-derived cell culture. Em XIV National Congress of Biochemistry.
AR Pombinho; V Laizé; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela. 2004. Regulation of matrix Gla protein gene expression in a fish bone-derived cell line. Em XIV National Congress of Biochemistry.
B Simões; Conceição, Natércia; CSB Viegas; JP Pinto; ML Cancela. 2004. Molecular cloning of the zebrafish (Danio rerio) Collagen Xalpha1 cDNA and gene. Identification of promoter regulatory elements. Em XIV National Congress of Biochemistry.
JP Pinto; Conceição, Natércia; PJ Gavaia; ML Cancela. 2002. Co-localization of Matrix Gla protein gene expression and protein accumulation with cartilage distribution in the teleost fish Sparus aurata. Em XIII National Congress of Biochemistry.
J Fidalgo; Conceição, Natércia; JP Pinto; ML Cancela. 2002. Retinoic acid induction of matrix Gla protein expression in a Xenopus laevis bone derived cell line. Em XIII National Congress of Biochemistry.
Conceição, Natércia; R Schule; ML Cancela. 2001. Characterization of the 5´flanking region of the Xenopus laevis matrix Gla protein (MGP) gene. Em 27th FEBS/PABMB Meeting.
ML Cancela; DC Simes; P Rodrigues; Conceição, Natércia; JP Reia; MK Williamson; PA Price. 2000. Expression of Matrix Gla Protein (MGP) in fish and amphibian: a model system to study the evolution of MGP function. Em ASBMR 22st Annual Meeting, Metro Toronto Convention Centre.
Conceição, Natércia; M Ohresser; N Henriques; Prof. Dr. Roland Schule; ML Cancela. 1999. Molecular cloning and regulation of the Xenopus laevis Matrix Gla protein gene. Em ASBMR 21st Annual Meeting.
Conceição, Natércia; NM Henriques; M Ohresser; ML Cancela. 1998. Characterization of Matrix Gla protein (MGP) gene from Xenopus laevis (Daudin, 1802). Em XI National Congress of Biochemistry.
A Martins; P Mota; Conceição, Natércia; A Reino; A Pêgo; C Marques; V Dias; et al. 1995. Frequência genotípica do polimorfismo do gene GSTM1 em doentes com carcinoma do pulmão, da mama, do cólon ou da prostata. Em XXX Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Genética.
F Regateiro; P Mota; A Martins; Conceição, Natércia; A Reino; A Pêgo; C Marques; et al. 1995. Frequency of CYP2D6 and GSTM1 genetic Polymorphisms in normal Portuguese population and cancer patients. Em British Medical Genetics Conference.
Conceição, Natércia. 2002. "Control of genetic expression of Matrix Gla protein: comparative studies in fish and amphibians". Doutoramento.
Conceição, Natércia. 1998. "Mutations and Genetic Instability in colorectal carcinoma". Mestrado.
Conceição, Natércia. 1993. "Detection of the nm23 gene in breast cancer". Licenciatura.
F.J. Regateiro; A Pêgo; P Mota; A Martins; Conceição, Natércia; F Carvalho; A Reino; et al. 1995. "Frequência genótipica e alélica do polimorfismo do gene CYP2D6 do citocromo P450 na população Portuguesa". Brotéria Genética, 43-49.
T Varela; G Martins; D Varela; M Vitorino; Conceição, Natércia; Cancela, ML. 2020. Zebrafish cdkl5 mutant as a model to study CDKL5 deficiency disorder. Em RARE Drug Development Symposium.
Caiado, H.; Conceição, Natércia; D Tiago; A Marreiros; AM Vaz; A Antunes; Guerreiro, H; P Caldeira; Cancela, ML. 2020. Contribution of MGP, FGF2 and RUNX2 as important predictor factors to differentiate prognosis among patients with colorectal adenocarcinomas. Em Encontro Ciência ´20.
T Varela; G Martins; D Varela; M Vitorino; Conceição, Natércia; Cancela, ML. 2020. The use of dominant negative strategy in zebrafish to study CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder . Em 24th Annual Meeting Sociedade Portuguesa de Genética Humana.
D Varela; Conceição, Natércia; Cancela, ML. 2020. Regulation of ZNF687 by the bone-related transcription factors DLX5 and HOXD13 through binding sites overlapping CpG sites . Em 24th Annual Meeting Sociedade Portuguesa de Genética Humana.
Varela, T; Laizé, V; Conceição, Natércia; Caldeira, P; Marreiros, A; Guerreiro, H; Cancela, ML; et al. 2020. "Expression of DUSP4 transcript variants as a potential biomarker for colorectal cancer. ". Biomarkers in Medicine, 14 (8): 639-650.
Caiado, Helena; Conceição, Natércia; Tiago, Daniel; Marreiros, Ana; Vicente, Susana; Enriquez, Jose Luis; Vaz, Ana Margarida; et al. 2020. "Data on the evaluation of FGF2 gene expression in Colorectal Cancer". Data in Brief, 31.
Adrião, Andreia; Santana, Isabel; Ribeiro, Carolina; Cancela, M. Leonor; Conceição, Natércia; Grazina, Manuela. 2022. "Identification of a novel mutation in MEF2C gene in an atypical patient with frontotemporal lobar degeneration". Neurological Sciences, 43 (1): 319-326.
Varela, Débora; Varela, Tatiana; Conceição, Natércia; Ferreira, Ângela; Marques, Nuno; Silva, Ana Paula; Azevedo, Pedro; et al. 2021. "Functional analysis of two novel TBX5 variants present in individuals with Holt–Oram syndrome with different clinical manifestations". Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 296 (4): 809-821.
Cancela, M. Leonor; Laizé, Vincent; Conceição, Natércia; Kempf, Hervé; Murshed, Monzur. 2021. "Keutel Syndrome, a Review of 50 Years of Literature". Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 9.
Varela, Tatiana; Conceição, Natércia; Laizé, Vincent; Cancela, M. Leonor. 2021. "Transcriptional regulation of human
gene by cancer-related transcription factors". Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 122 (10): 1556-1566.
D Varela; T Varela; J Rosa; A Nunes; N Conceição; Cancela ML. 2021. Zebrafish as a model to assess the effects of thalidomide in limb development . Em ECTS 2021 Digital.
M Vitorino; N Conceição; D Varela; G Tiscornia; Cancela, ML. 2021. Involvement of MGP in African Spiny mice ear regeneration . Em XXI SPB- National Congress of Biochemistry.
T Varela; D Varela; G Martins; N Conceição; Cancela, ML. 2021. Characterization of cdkl5 knockdown zebrafish using a morpholino approach. Em XXI SPB- National Congress of Biochemistry.
D Varela; N Conceição; Cancela, ML. 2021. Involvement of Znf687 gene during osteoblast proliferation and differentiation. Em XXI SPB- National Congress of Biochemistry.
Débora Varela; Tatiana Varela; Natércia Conceição; M. Leonor Cancela. 2023. "Regulation of human ZNF687, a gene associated with Paget's disease of bone". The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology.
Iris A.L. Silva; Débora Varela; M. Leonor Cancela; Natércia Conceição. 2022. "Zebrafish optineurin: genomic organization and transcription regulation". Genome.
Andreia Adrião; Sara Mariano; José Mariano; Paulo J. Gavaia; M. Leonor Cancela; Marta Vitorino; Natércia Conceição. 2023. "mef2ca and mef2cb Double Mutant Zebrafish Show Altered Craniofacial Phenotype and Motor Behaviour". Biomolecules.
Varela, Tatiana; Varela, Débora; Martins, Gil; Conceição, Natércia; Cancela, M. Leonor. 2022. "Cdkl5 mutant zebrafish shows skeletal and neuronal alterations mimicking human CDKL5 deficiency disorder". Scientific Reports, 12 (1).
Simão, Márcio; Conceição, Natércia; Imaginário, Susana; Amaro, João; Cancela, Maria Leonor. 2022. "Lab-It Is Taking Molecular Genetics to School". BioChem, 2 (2): 160-170.
Santos, João M. A.; Laizé, Vincent; Gavaia, Paulo J.; Conceição, Natércia; Cancela, M. Leonor. 2023. "Zebrafish Models to Study Ectopic Calcification and Calcium-Associated Pathologies". International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24 (4).
Caiado, Helena; Cancela, M. Leonor; Conceição, Natércia. 2023. "Assessment of MGP gene expression in cancer and contribution to prognosis". Biochimie, 214: 49-60.
Tatiana Varela; Laizé, Vincent; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela. 2021. "A expressão dos transcritos do gene DUSP4 como potencial biomarcador no cancro colorretal". Ualgoritmo , 3: 25-28.
Caiado, Helena; Conceição, Natércia; Cancela ML. 2022. "Avaliação da expressão dos genes MGP, RUNX2 e FGF2 e a sua contribuição para a distinção entre diferentes prognósticos em pacientes com adenocarcinoma colorectal. ". Ualgoritmo , 4: 4-8.
Débora Varela; Tatiana Varela; Conceição, Natércia; Cancela, ML. 2023. "Análise funcional de duas novas mutações no gene TBX5 presentes em indivíduos com síndrome de Holt-Oram. ". Ualgoritmo , 5 (1): 10-15.
R Soares; Cancela, ML; Conceição, Natércia. 2022. Osteogenesis Imperfecta. Consequências na função da proteína. Em MEEting 2022.
M Custódio; C Rodrigues; Conceição, Natércia; Gavaia, P. 2022. Modelos de osteogénese imperfeita em peixe-zebra: comparação entre mutações e fenótipos . Em MEEting 2022.
D Varela; T Varela; Conceição, Natércia; Cancela, ML. 2022. ZNF687 gene expression and methylation in osteoblastogenesis . Em III International Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Genetics.
T Varela; D Varela; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela. 2022. Cdkl5 mutant zebrafish shows skeletal and neuronal alterations mimicking human CDKL5 deficiency disorder . Em III International Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Genetics.
Caiado, H.; Conceição, Natércia; Cancela, ML. 2022. Cancer-related transcription factors regulate MGP promoter activity . Em III International Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Genetics.
M Vitorino; Conceição, Natércia; D Varela; G Tiscornia; ML Cancela. 2022. Is MGP involved in Acomys cahirinus ear regeneration? . Em III International Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Genetics.
AS Alfaia; Conceição, Natércia; G Sequeira; P Carvalho; V Teixeira; C Ribeiro; Cancela, ML. 2022. Genetic analysis of Optineurin variants in Paget Disease of Bone patients from the south and center of Portugal. Em III International Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Genetics.
JMA Santos; RCR Abreu; C Rodrigues; I Borges; Conceição, Natércia; Gavaia, PJ; Laizé, V; ML Cancela. 2022. Zebrafish model to study mechanisms of ectopic mineralization associated to elastinopathies. . Em III International Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Genetics.
M Simão; Conceição, Natércia; Cancela, ML. 2022. Impact of Lab-it to consolidate molecular genetics concepts in high schools within the context of biomedical sciences. Em III International Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Genetics.
T Aranyi; Conceição, Natércia; M Jacinto; H Kempf; Leftheriotis, Georges; L Martin; Valdivielso, Pedro; OM Vanakker. 2022. ISSEC: An International Scientific Society of Ectopic Calcification dedicated to the advance of knowledge and awareness for ectopic calcification diseases. Em III International Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Genetics.
T Varela; D Varela; Conceição, Natércia; Cancela, ML. 2022. Zebrafish: a promising animal model to study CDKL5 deficiency disorder. Em 11th European conference on rare diseases & orphan products.
Aranyi, Tamas; Conceição, Natércia; M Jacinto; Kempf, Hervé; Leftheriotis, Georges; L Martin; P Valdivielso; OM Vanakker. 2022. ISSEC: An International Scientific Society of Ectopic Calcification dedicated to the advance of knowledge and awareness for ectopic calcification diseases. Em INTEC kick-off meeting.
M Vitorino; Conceição, Natércia; D Varela; Tiscornia, Gustavo; ML Cancela. 2022. The use of Acomys cahirinus to study the role of Matrix Gla Protein in regeneration. Em INTEC kick-off meeting.
JMA Santos; RCR Abreu; C Rodrigues; I Borges; Conceição, Natércia; Gavaia, PJ; Laizé, V; Cancela, ML. 2022. Zebrafish model to study mechanisms of calcium metabolism in elastin associated pathologies . Em ABC Days – V Annual Meeting of Algarve Biomedical Center.
T Varela; D Varela; Conceição, Natércia; Cancela, ML. 2022. cdkl5 mutant zebrafish recapitulates key phenotypes of CDKL5 deficiency disorder . Em ABC Days – V Annual Meeting of Algarve Biomedical Center.
D Varela; T Varela; Conceição, Natércia; Cancela, ML. 2022. Involvement of ZNF687, a gene associated with Paget disease of bone, in osteoblastogenesis and osteoclastogenesis . Em ABC Days – V Annual Meeting of Algarve Biomedical Center.
M Vitorino; Conceição, Natércia; D Varela; G Tiscornia; Cancela, ML. 2022. The role of MGP involved in Acomys cahirinus ear regeneration. Em ABC Days – V Annual Meeting of Algarve Biomedical Center.
T Varela; D Varela; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela. 2022. Zebrafish model for the screening of drugs to rescue cdkl5 deficiency disorder phenotypes . Em 2022 CDKL5 Forum.
B Calado; A Chenneviére; D Varela; Cancela, ML; Conceição, Natércia. 2022. Bioinformatic Analysis of DCST2 gene structure and function: A Potential Contributor in Bone Development. Em Interdisciplinary Approaches in Fish Skeletal Biology, 6th Conference.
JMA Santos; C Rodrigues; RCR Abreu; I Borges; Conceição, Natércia; Gavaia, PJ; V laizé; Cancela ML. 2022. Loss of Elastin function is associated with improper calcium metabolism in zebrafish . Em Interdisciplinary Approaches in Fish Skeletal Biology, 6th Conference.
T Varela; D Varela; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela. 2022. Zebrafish Mutant for Cdkl5 Mimics Phenotypes Associated with Human CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder. Em 26th Annual Meeting Sociedade Portuguesa de Genética Humana.
D Varela; T Varela; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela. 2022. Regulation of Znf687 during Osteoblast Differentiation. Em 26th Annual Meeting Sociedade Portuguesa de Genética Humana.
JMA Santos; V Laizé; PJ Gavaia; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela. 2023. Zebrafish models to study ectopic calcification and calcium associated pathologies. Em European Crystal Network.
D Varela; T Varela; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela. 2023. Effect of bone-related transcription factors and methylation on ZNF687 transcriptional regulation. Em 50th ECTS.
A Campos; M Vitorino; Conceição, Natércia. 2023. The use of Acomys cahirinus to study the role of Matrix Gla Protein in regeneration . Em MEEting 2023.
T Varela; D Varela; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela. 2023. Zebrafish mutant for CDKL5 display neuronal defects resembling CDKL5 deficiency disorder. Em FENS Regional Meeting 2023.
D Varela; T Varela; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela. 2023. Post-transcriptional regulation of znf687 during mc3t3-e1 osteoblast differentiation . Em IV International Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Genetics.
T Varela; D Varela; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela. 2023. Zebrafish mutant as a model for cdkl5 deficiency disorder: insights into neuron-skeletal defects . Em IV International Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Genetics.
T Varela; J Santos; A Rodriguez; V Pinto; D Varela; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela. 2023. Screening of drugs in zebrafish model to rescue cdkl5 deficiency disorder phenotype. Em IV International Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Genetics.
M Vitorino; Conceição, Natércia; Tiscornia, Gustavo; Cancela, ML. 2023. Using Acomys cahirinus as model to identify the role of Gla proteins in tissue regeneration. Em IV International Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Genetics.
M Simão; L Miguel; Conceição, Natércia; J Santos; ML Cancela. 2023. Bioinformatic characterization of two MGP mutant proteins expressed in zebrafish (Danio rerio) . Em IV International Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Genetics.
T Varela; J Santos; A Hernández-Rodríguez; V Pinto; D Varela; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela. 2023. Zebrafish-based drug screening identifies candidate molecules for CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder therapeutic applications . Em CDKL5 Forum.
T Varela; J Santos; A Hernández-Rodríguez; V Pinto; D Varela; Conceição, Natércia; Cancela, ML. 2024. Identification of therapeutic molecules for CDKL5 deficiency disorder using zebrafish-based drug screening . Em IX Workshop de Bioquímica Clínica.
D Varela; T Varela; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela. 2024. miR-142a-3p regulates ZNF687 during MC3T3-E1 osteoblast differentiation . Em IX Workshop de Bioquímica Clínica.
M Chaves; B Ferreira; J Galhardas; S Guerreiro; E Houghton-Larsen; T Nehring; E Ninou; et al. 2024. Bioinformatic analysis identifies Oryzias latipes as a valid new model for analysis of MGP gene function . Em IX Workshop de Bioquímica Clínica.
L Geraldo; L Miguel; Conceição, Natércia; J Santos; JK Venkatesan; M Cucchiarini; ML Cancela. 2024. rAAV-mediated overexpression of Gla-deficient mutant Matrix Gla Protein limits its potential to inhibit mineralization in SaOS2 cells . Em IX Workshop de Bioquímica Clínica.
Silva, Iris AL; Conceição, Natércia; Michou, Laëtitia; Cancela, M. Leonor. 2014. "Functional analysis of a promoter polymorphism of optineurin, a gene associated to Paget's disease of bone. ". Trabalho apresentado em European Calcified Tissue Society Meeting 2014.
Silva, Iris AL; Conceição, Natércia; Michou, Laëtitia; Cancela, M. Leonor. 2013. "Genetic variation in PDB6 locus and Paget´s Disease of Bone.". Trabalho apresentado em V Clinical Biochemistry Workshop.
Silva, Iris AL; Conceição, Natércia; Michou, Laëtitia; Cancela, M. Leonor. 2013. Single Nucleotide Polymorphism identification and functional analysis in PDB6 locus - A target locus for Paget¿s disease of Bone. Em European Calcified Tissue Society Meeting 2013, Lisbon, Portugal, 18-21 May, 2013.
Silva, Iris AL; Leite, Ricardo B; Cancela, M. Leonor; Conceição, Natércia. 2012. TFIIH Is Remarkably Conserved Between Zebrafish And Human. Em V Clinical Biochemistry Workshop, Coimbra, Portugal, 27 January, 2012.
Tatiana Varela; Gil Martins; Débora Varela; Conceição, Natércia; M Leonor Cancela. Autor correspondente: Tatiana Varela. 2021. Characterization of zebrafish cdkl5 knockdown using a morpholino approach. Em XXI National Congress of Biochemistry.
Tatiana Varela; Gil Martins; Débora Varela; Conceição, Natércia; M. Leonor Cancela. 2021. "The Use of Dominant Negative Strategy in Zebrafish to study CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder". Trabalho apresentado em 24th Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Human Genetics, 100.
Tatiana Varela; Débora Varela; Conceição, Natércia; M Leonor Cancela. 2022. Involvement of cdkl5 gene during osteoblast proliferation and differentiation.. Em Ciência 2022 ¿ Encontro com a Ciência e Tecnologia em Portugal.
Andreia Adrião; Sara Mariano; José Mariano; Paulo Gavaia; M. Leonor Cancela; Vitorino, Marta; Conceição, Natércia. Autor correspondente: Conceição, Natércia. 2023. "mef2ca and mef2cb double-mutant zebrafish show altered craniofacial phenotype and motor behaviour". Biomolecules, 24 (4).
Franco, Telma; Henriques, Vera; Duarte, Daniel; Viagem, Leonildo; Maia, Inês B.; Mariano, Sara; Araújo, Inês Maria; Conceição, Natércia. 2017. Bioinformatic Analysis of Foxp2 gene in Zebrafish (Danio rerio). Em XLI Jornadas Portuguesas de Genética.
Larissa Miguel; Simão, Márcio; Conceição, Natércia; Cancela, ML. 2024. Histological characterization of zebrafish mgp mutant (MGP_¿18). Em IX Workshop de Bioquímica Clínica.
Caiado, H.; Conceição, Natércia; D Tiago; A Marreiros; AM Vaz; S Vicente; JL Enriquez; et al. 2018. "MGP overexpression is associated with a worse prognosis and survival outcome in colorectal adenocarcinomas". Trabalho apresentado em 2nd jornadas do Algarve Biomedical Center, Portugal, (3).
D Varela; Conceição, Natércia; A Ferreira; N Marques; AP Silva; Cancela ML. 2018. "Functional analysis of a novel TBX5 c.246_249delGATG mutation present in a Holt-Oram syndrome patient". Trabalho apresentado em 2nd jornadas do Algarve Biomedical Center, Portugal, (3).
T Varela; Conceição, Natércia; Laizé, Vincent; P caldeira; A Marreiros; H Guerreiro; Cancela, ML. 2018. "DUSP4 transcripts expression as a potential biomarker for colorectal cancer". Trabalho apresentado em 2nd jornadas do Algarve Biomedical Center, Portugal, (3).
T Varela; G Martins; D Varela; M Vitorino; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela. 2019. "Zebrafish: an interesting model to study CDKL5 deficiency disorder". Trabalho apresentado em Medicine - Abstract of 23rd Annual Meeting of the Portuguese-Society-of-Human-Genetics., Portugal, 99 (9).
D Varela; T Varela; P Azevedo; A Ferreira; A Silva; N Marques; S Pereira; et al. 2019. "Functional analysis of two novel TBX5 mutations present in Holt-Oram syndrome patients with different clinical manifestations". Trabalho apresentado em Revista portuguesa de cirurgia cardio-torácica e vascular. Abstract of SPCCTV, Portugal.
D Varela; N Conceição; ML Cancela. 2020. "Regulation of ZNF687 by the bone-related transcription factors DLX5 and HOXD13 through binding sites overlapping CpG sites". Trabalho apresentado em Medicine - Abstract of 24rd Annual Meeting of the Portuguese-Society-of-Human-Genetics. , Portugal, 100 (4).
Conceição, Natércia; M Ohresser; Schüle, R.; Cancela, ML. 1999. "Molecular cloning and regulation of the Xenopus laevis Matrix Gla Protein gene. ". Trabalho apresentado em J. Bone Min. Res. , 14.
Cancela, ML; DC Simes; P Rodrigues; Conceição, Natércia; JP Reia; MK Williamson; PA Price. 2000. "Expression of Matrix Gla protein (MGP) in fish and amphibians: a model system to study the evolution of MGP function". Trabalho apresentado em J. Bone Min. Res, 15.
Conceição, Natércia; Schüle, R.; Cancela, ML. 2001. "Characterization of the 5’flanking region of the Xenopus laevis Matrix Gla protein (MGP) gene". Trabalho apresentado em Eur. J. Biochem. The FEBS J. , 268.
Conceição, Natércia; B Simões; Fazenda, C.; ML Cancela. 2007. "Runx2-mediated regulation of the Matrix Gla Protein gene". Trabalho apresentado em The FEBS J. , 274.
B Simões; A Silva; M Vitorino; Conceição, Natércia; J Belo; Cancela, ML. 2007. "Phenotypic observation of Xenopus laevis MGP loss of function.". Trabalho apresentado em The FEBS J. , 274.
Conceição, Natércia; J Belo; ML Cancela. 2007. "Alternate promoters and developmental modulation of expression of the Xenopus laevis MGP gene". Trabalho apresentado em Experimental Pathology and Health Sciences, 1 (1).
Conceição, Natércia; C Fazenda; B Simões; Cancela, ML. 2008. "Transcriptional regulation of the Xenopus laevis Matrix Gla protein gene". Trabalho apresentado em Calcified Tissue International, 82.
Cancela, ML; V Laizé; Conceição, Natércia; DM Tiago; AT Maia; A Bensimon-Brito; PJ Gavaia. 2012. "Matrix Gla protein expression: a complex process involving the use of alternative promoters, multiple splicing events and microRNAs". Trabalho apresentado em FEBS International Workshop on New Developments in RNA Biology.
I Silva; Conceição, Natércia; L Michou; Cancela, ML. 2013. ") Single nucleotide polymorphisms identification and functional analysis in PDB6 locus: a target locus for Paget". Trabalho apresentado em . European Calcified Tissue Society Congress, 1 (Publisher: BioScientifica).
Conceição, Natércia; B Simões; ML Cancela. 2013. "Functional analysis of the two Runx3 promoters in osseous and non-osseous cells: implications for tissue/differentiation speci¿c transcription of distinct isoforms.". Trabalho apresentado em Bone Abstracts .
I Silva; Conceição, Natércia; L Michou; Cancela, ML. 2013. "Single nucleotide polymorphisms identification and functional analysis in PDB6 locus: a target locus for Paget's disease of bone". Trabalho apresentado em Bone Abstracts , (1).
A Adrião; Conceição, Natércia; Gavaia, PJ; Cancela ML. 2013. "Zebrafish as a model to study craniofacial phenotypes related to human MEF2C mutations. ". Trabalho apresentado em European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 43.
C Fazenda; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela. 2014. "Transcription factors from Sox family regulate expression of zebrafish Gla-rich protein 2 gene". Trabalho apresentado em The FEBS Journal, 281.
I Silva; Conceição, Natércia; L Michou; Cancela, ML. 2014. "Functional study of Optineurin (OPTN) variants associated with Paget’s disease of bone". Trabalho apresentado em J Bone Miner Res , 28.
I Silva; L Michou; Cancela, ML; Conceição, Natércia. Autor correspondente: Conceição, Natércia. 2016. "Functional study of OPTN promoter: new OPTN regulators and effect of genetic variants". Trabalho apresentado em European Journal of Clinical Investigation , 46.
M Vitorino; Conceição, Natércia; A Adrião; ML Cancela. 2016. "Zebrafish as a disease model for studying human Rett Syndrome. ". Trabalho apresentado em European Journal of Clinical Investigation , 46.
IAL Silva; Conceição, Natércia; Cancela, ML. 2016. "OPTN and CCDC3 share a bidirectional promoter region that is regulated by NfkB". Trabalho apresentado em Bone Abstracts , 5.
IAL Silva; Conceição, Natércia; L Michou; ML Cancela. 2016. "Comparative analysis of human and zebrafish OPTN: molecular and evolutionary perspectives". Trabalho apresentado em Bone Abstracts , 5.
VP Roberto; Conceição, Natércia; MJ Nunes; E Rodrigues; Cancela, ML; DM Tiago. 2016. "miR-214: a novel regulator of chondrogenesis? ". Trabalho apresentado em Bone Abstracts , 5.
G Sequeira; P carvalho; C Ribeiro; A Alfaia; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela. 2018. "Characterization of Paget´s Disease of Bone Patients from the South of Portugal (Algarve and Alentejo) – Clinical and Genetic Aspects.". Trabalho apresentado em Arthritis Rheumatol, 70.
D Varela; T Varela; J Rosa; A Nunes; Conceição, Natércia; ML Cancela. 2021. "Zebrafish as a model to assess the effects of thalidomide in limb development. ". Trabalho apresentado em Bone Reports , 14.
